It Began as a Dream…
What began as a dream to just have some more space with a small garden and a place for our boys to run wild, quickly evolved into something much more exciting! With property right outside of Houston, Texas, and a passion for living healthier, simpler, and more sustainably, we've embarked on this journey to build our homestead. Thank you for your support and business!

“Yes, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase.”
— Psalms 85:12
What We Do
While we specialize in raising Blackbelly Sheep and meat birds, we maintain honey bees and grow a wide array of vegetables for both fresh eating and preserving. Our goal is to raise and grow everything naturally and humanely - no man-made chemicals, medicine, or preservatives.
We don't use any growth hormones, antibiotics, or non-organic feed for any of our animals. In our garden, we use natural pesticides and organic composts as well.
We treat everything animal and plant with as much care as you would a beloved house-pet. We take a lot of pride in how we treat our animals and property - which results in gentle care, a clean environment, and lots of love.